Season 2: Episode 2 🎀
Friday, 1st December 2023
The more and more the “highschool finish line” is nearing, the smaller I feel myself shrinking into this box labeled childhood that you neatly keep in your attic. AEP this term hasn’t only been a learning curve guided by a set syllabus, but is now an opportunity for us to discover ourselves.
Recently, we were guided into building a coherent and quality university application where we assess the common mistakes that can easily be made. Grammar and syntax should be flawless and use of language needs to show a satisfactory level. Every single year, the number of students in the applicant pool increases, which makes it important for my application to stand out. Considering that we are attending university in a few months, these skills that we’ve acquired will come in handy soon.
Other than that, Ms. Disa also prepped us with some new skills to write emails. Although it sounds simple, many of us tend to miss out multiple things which can negatively affect the presentation of our email. Let alone a formal communication through a digital platform, there are myriads of conventions that are important to include to effectively express your thoughts and get your message across. An example is the tone of the email – this could affect the decision of the receiver to take your message seriously or not.
A favorite of mine was the activity in which we listed down 5 objects that we could fit into a box. This activity allowed me to somehow be in touch with two worlds – the present and the past – although many of us almost had the waterworks coming in the way. Along with that, I chose three words that resonated with me in my current standing which was wit, growth and something. I forgot, yikes. Anyways, it was really cool to see how each of us could explain why these objects and words have a significant meaning towards our life which really helps us in finding ourselves!
Last week’s class had a little touch of fun where Ms. Disa allowed us to play this small game with the idea of “who knows who best”. She gave us a certain category in which we would have to write our answer on a piece of paper and anonymously hand it out to her. After that, all of the answers were written on the smartboard, followed by our guesses of the owner of the answer towards each one. It was really fun considering that some of us are literally a crystal clear closet.
Hopefully, my fingers and brain will still be friends by the time that the next blog are due! Jumpa lagi.
Great work.Thanks for blogging.