Heya folks! I'm back with another blog. Let's skip the introduction and just get to it, shall we:
March 18, 2024 -
We started off the first period of the first AEP lesson of the week with 'hello wordl', and as usual chose to guess a 7 letter word. We managed to guess the word at the 4th try of the game and the word was 'worsted'. Not gonna lie, looking at the word makes me question whether or not if it actually is a word from the dictionary, it just looks so wrong to me. But it actually is, and it is a type of yarn. Huh, well, ya learn something new everyday. How interesting!
Next up, we did vocab quiz 11 using spin the wheel and answered 2/2 word correctly! One of the words were 'milieu' but I forgot what my second word was. Overall, this was an alright quiz.
For our last activity, we did a seatwork where we had to read an extract and give a title and summaries what it was about. I found this activity was quite useful and enjoyed doing it, a bit. Not saying that it was no challenge, no, it was quite difficult. We did 4 extracts and thought the last one to be hardest out of all of them. I was halfway correct with my initial title with the 3rd extract, but with Ms Disa's explanation I understood what I was missing. But for the 4th extract I was quite off in understanding the whole point of the extract. Though, again, with Ms' explanation, I finally got it. Again, like I said, I enjoyed this activity because it will be useful if ever I have to do it again in the near or distant future; maybe we'll be asked to do this kind of thing in our English class, who knows.
March 19, 2024-
Our warmup for today was hurdle! Which is a game we don't often play. Unfortunately, I was feeling quite dizzy and sick the beginning of the lesson, so I was feeling quite sluggish. And when Ms Disa gave me the pen I tried to push through but decided to give it to someone else instead. We tried our new strategy of using the 4 words that would eliminate most of the letters, and it did help somehow. What shocked me was the Kuk and Hyeono were being very helpful and managed to get us through the game. In the end, Hyeono told us to put down the word 'chant' and it ended up being correct! I was shocked and quite impressed.
Since there were a few of us missing because of their Cambridge mock exam, and it was only one period for today anyway, Ms made us play scrabble. But I was still quite dizzy and tired so I wasn't that excited, also because I'm not that big a fan of scrabble anyway. Then Ms told me she would be partnered up with me, THAT got me just a bit motivated. I know it technically isn't fair that I got the teacher, but, throughout the game I did try to do most of it myself, with Ms helping me out of course. In the end, it was a close between me and Ms and Hyeonseo and Rayan, but we won since I had the very clever idea of using the 'Q' we had and made the word 'Qi' to add 11 points to our score. MWAHAHAHA, vERy ClEveR indeed hehehehehe
Now I may have done this blog in advance and therefore have actually no clue what days this blog is SUPPOSED to be covering. So for all I know I should've bee covering April 1 and 2 for this blog. But, Ms said its fine so I hope you enjoy my updates for these dates instead.
Anywhooo, that's all from me for this week, like always see ya in the next one!
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