With the month of March left behind us and a week-long "break", we immediately delve into the class of AEP. To be entirely honest with you, the break did not provide nearly enough rest it should have. As usual. The following lessons of AEP were intriguing to say the least and have introduced my classmates and I new challenges and fish.
April 1 - Fun with Fish
It was an unusual day for sure. One of the reasons as to why is that I figured out the word for our Hurdle warmup game. Usually, I can only solve these types of games at home where the school air does not fry my vocabulary skills. It was a personal accomplishment that seems trivial to most.
This day's seatwork was mind-bending. True, False, or Not Given?? How am I supposed to know? It was much different than the usual AEP seatwork. The extracts were shorter and Miss Disa occasionally only allotted us three minutes to solve a question. It was not easy. But as we answered more questions, I slowly grasped the topic more.
Moving on from the seatwork that completely racked our minds, we started reading DOGOnews. It was about the Fish Doorbell that was made to assist fish. Shortly after, we opened the website ourselves. I could feel the tension in the room waiting for a fish to come. Time went by and none were spotted. But after a while, I saw a sliver of silver swim past the camera. Fish. Finally. A bunch of my male classmates noticed this, and Miss Disa did not believe them. It was fun.
April 2 - True, False, and What??
Deluxe Waffle was great. Moving on. Once again, we now stand face-to-face with our mutual mortal enemy. Or three enemies. True, false, and not given. I actually found it a bit easier this time after all that practice. It is not a concept we have fully understood yet, but maybe, someday, we will.
The things we have learnt this week were difficult for sure. But a part of me finds it refreshing - trying something that was different and more challenging. Learning is the point of going to school after all, so much thanks to AEP for providing us with knowledge and skills we haven't acquired in previous years.
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