🎀 Season 2: Episode 1 🎀
Friday, 1st December 2023
Safe to say that term two has been going on exactly the way that I did not plan. Why you may ask? In total, I have missed out on almost all AEP classes this term. I did still involve some self-blaming for not being able to catch up with the pace of the school due to my absences, but because I understood how important mindsets are, I’ve begun to look at it with a different perspective. It’s truly alright to be on a different path than everyone else because we all are different. There should be an ideal recommendation on a certain path that can merely act as a guide, but there shouldn’t be one that you must completely follow even if it goes against your natural likings. We all get to our destination differently.
Regardless of that, I’m back on track in attending AEP lessons and are gearing up to start and finish the term strong.
Anyway, for the past few weeks, I have gone through three-months worth of experience. I had to travel to Cebu to accompany my mom on a work trip as well as get hospitalized for acute gastritis. The Cebu part, you might have thought that it was fun, but it was more on sitting in the hotel room for three straight days. To be fair, as an introvert, it’s my biggest blessing and escape. To just be binge eating hotel buffets, buying potato corner at the mall below the hotel, adulting because I had bought my own groceries. I almost felt like I was living alone, fully and independently.
The little glimpse of what my life might be in a few months hit me to my core. Many of us might just say that “Oh you’ll be alright, you’re just 18”, but being in the shoes of an eighteen-year-old girl could be daunting because in all honesty, I don’t know what I’m doing, pffftttt. All seniors might sound like a broken record right now, but I appreciate them for echoing the same messages that we’ve all been thinking about.
As I’ve browsed through the syllabus of AEP for this term, I’ve come to a realization that most of our lessons are mainly practical, in the sense that it is preparing us for the real world. Some of the topics we will be getting familiarized with include “Psychology of Fashion” and “Avoiding Rudeness” which may seem trivial, but brings the largest impact towards molding us as an individual. It feels great to understand that there is a support system available around me to assist the transition from being a high schooler to god knows what. And suddenly, growing up doesn’t seem that scary anymore.
Looking at the date, it is the first december! Can’t even imagine really that the year of 2023 is going to come to a close. But, first day of the month and first blog? Seems like a good start to me.
Anyhow, with Christmas break right around the corner, I must say that it’s a huge motivation factor for me to put in the work and enjoy the simple reward later. Looking forward to the rest of the term! Cheers to finally producing a blog.
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