Writing our Future.
We are now working on our Cover Letters and our Resume. Ms. Disa gave us a document on tips and templates for us to learn from. Starting my cover letter was pretty hard, however after reading for examples and looking at templates, I’m getting the hang of it and actually starting to enjoy it. Writing my resume was quite fun, it was like looking back into the past and my life in school, kinda nostalgic. However, it was pretty uncomfortable at first, writing only good things about your self feels a bit awkward, however I’ve gotten used to it and realised that maybe i am not such a inactive person. Doing this task has made me realised that i should maybe be more active and participate in more organisations and activities to benefit my future. I should partake in activities beneficial to my resume such as being in organisations, varsities, participating in the Model United Nations.
Term 1 is almost coming to an end, I’m starting to get the hang of doing my assignments, although not on time at least submitted and done. The term start was a rough patch with what felt like hundreds of piling work and disappointed teachers. Recently I’ve been talking about my problems and getting advice on dealing with my problems. One key tactic that has really helped me is working and completing tasks in school instead of my house. Since I’ve been really struggling to start my work and completing my work at home, I really do work better and more efficiently when I’m in a school setting. I've really dedicated only 2 hours to school at home, excluding studying. Instead most of the time at home is usually spent for my free time so that i don't feel very overwhelmed and get burnt out. I have a daily schedule now consisting of a earlier sleeping time, 11pm. My younger self would be PROUD. Furthermore, I’ve been trying to wake up ealier, during sunrise, however, major fail. It’s nice to have things complete now, i have less self guilt and can finally focus on what i really want to do without thinking about school work. School work feels more enjoyable now rather then it just being a task.
Thank you for your blog. Insightive.Thanks.